It’s that time again when I need to renew my mobility parking permit, so it seemed timely to write a blog around it.
Who is eligible?
Your doctor must confirm that you fit one of the following criteria:
- You are unable to walk and always require the use of a wheelchair or
- Your ability to walk distances is severely restricted by a medical condition or disability, for example, you require the use of mobility aids, experience severe pain, or breathlessness, or
- You have a medical condition or disability that requires you to have physical contact or close supervision to safely get around and cannot be left unattended, for example, if you experience disorientation, confusion, or severe anxiety.
Types of permit
Short-term permit:
This is available for 3-6 months and can be extended once for up to 12 months. You can apply for this if you have a temporary medical condition which affects your mobility. You will need your doctor to confirm that you are eligible for a short-term permit, and it will cost $5. The extension will require your doctor to confirm that you are still eligible.
Long-term permit:
You can apply for a long-term permit if you have a permanent medical condition which fits the eligibility criteria. This lasts for 5 years, costs $50, and on first applying, requires confirmation from your doctor. Subsequent renewals (again, $50 for 5 years), don’t need further input from your doctor and can be done online.
Overseas visitor permit:
Not all regions of NZ recognise mobility parking permits from overseas. It is advised that, for $35, any tourists requiring a mobility parking permit should apply for an overseas visitors permit. It is valid for 12 months. This can be done by post, email or in person. It can be applied for in advance, or on arrival to NZ.
Rules and Regulations
The mobility parking permit allows the registered user to park in a mobility parking space, and certain concessions around time restrictions and payment apply, those these vary between councils and regions of New Zealand. Please check carefully. Concessions can be used when a mobility permit is displayed, even if the car is parked in a standard parking space.
When used correctly, the mobility parking permit must be displayed clearly. The more recent versions have a hanger attached so that it may hang from the rearview mirror (though it must be removed from here when driving). Some newer cars have a clip on the inside of the windscreen to hold the permit in place.
The permit can only be used by the registered user, and only when the registered user is getting in or out of the vehicle. If the registered user is staying in the car, then a standard car parking space must be used.
It is the registered user's responsibility to ensure that the permit is used lawfully, else a $150 fine could be enforced. They must also ensure that the permit is valid and up to date. If contact details are kept up to date with CCS Disability Action, then they will send a renewal notice by email and/or post, in plenty of time.
Parking providers also have a responsibility. They need to comply with providing a certain number of mobility parking spaces (dependent on their total number of parks), mark them appropriately, and provide signage. They need to deal with complaints around people who misuse the designated parks.
Please see the CCS Disability Action website for more details on how to apply for any of these mobility parking permits.