
Parking - Statistics

Parking - Statistics

Rules and Regulations

There are rules around the number of mobility parks which should be provided, based on the size of the establishment, however, they don’t seem to match up and I am struggling to find which are regulations, and which are recommendations.

  1. Accessible car parking spaces shall be provided on the scale of:
  • one for up to 10 total spaces provided
  • two for up to 100 total spaces provided
  • plus 1 more for every additional 50 spaces when car parks are provided in, or associated, with a building which is accessible.
  1. Where there are more than 400 car parks, such as a sports stadium or mall, the Barrier Free Trust suggests a simple calculation of 2% of the total number of car parks, for up to 1000 parks, is reasonable. If there are more than 1000 parks, a figure of 20 plus 1% of the number of parks over 1000 is appropriate.


Total number of car parks

1 - 20

21 - 50

For every 50 additional


Number of accessible parks to be provided

Not less than 1

Not less than 2

Not less than 1

Additionally, local authorities are responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the requirements of the Building Code with regards to the provision of the appropriate number of compliant accessible parking spaces.


These figures don’t add up when population statistics are added to the mix.  The 2013 Disability Survey conducted for the Government states that

  • In 2013, 24% of the New Zealand population were identified as disabled, a total of 1.1 million people.
  • The increase from the 2001 rate (20%) is partly explained by our ageing population.

As I mentioned before, I haven’t yet ascertained which numbers are law, and which are recommendations but that aside, these figures need to be looked at again.  And the only way this is likely to happen is if we keep bringing it to people’s attention - property management companies, private landlords (such as supermarkets), local councils and MPs.  We need to raise awareness of the numbers needed, the improved monitoring of the parks, and ‘useful’’ drop kerbs (as mentioned in the last few blogs), and my belief is that when done politely, consistently and by many, we will eventually create positive change.